Boomster Acceptance
Race 6 at Eagle Farm
Date: Wed 8th Jan, 2025
Gallopers Sports Club Hcp (C1), 1200m
Class 1, Apprentices Can Claim, Handicap, $38,000.00
No | Horse | Barrier | Jockey | Weight | Win | Pl | Hcp Rating |
1 | Boomster | 11 | R Dolan | 59 | 10% | 30% | 62 |
2 | Express Payment | 13 | 59 | 20% | 20% | 62 | |
3 | South Sea | 3 | Boris Thornton | 59 | 17% | 17% | 62 |
4 | Certainlycan | 2 | James Orman | 58.5 | 14% | 14% | 65 |
5 | Extreme Spirit | 17 | 58.5 | 8% | 8% | 61 | |
6 | Mercian | 14 | 58.5 | 20% | 0% | 61 | |
7 | Jungle Law | 9 | 57.5 | 11% | 11% | 63 | |
8 | Clairvue Molly | 1 | Angela Jones | 57 | 10% | 20% | 62 |
9 | Hamilton Brown | 20 | 57 | 17% | 33% | 61 | |
10 | Bernice's Spirit | 6 | Luke Dempsey | 56.5 | 11% | 0% | 61 |
11 | Mist Of Dawn | 8 | Ron Stewart | 56.5 | 25% | 0% | 61 |
12 | Bucks Fizz | 12 | Damien Thornton | 56 | 13% | 13% | 60 |
13 | Fly Fifer | 10 | 56 | 10% | 10% | 60 | |
14 | Borrelli(e) | 18 | 58 | 14% | 0% | 60 | |
15 | Caspernova(e) | 7 | V Duric | 58 | 33% | 0% | 60 |
16 | Hell And Back(e) | 16 | 57.5 | 9% | 27% | 59 | |
17 | Cole's Best(e) | 15 | 56 | 100% | 0% | 59 | |
18 | Sunshine Highway(e) | 21 | 54.5 | 10% | 20% | 57 | |
19 | Rubix Love(e) | 4 | E Chaves | 54.5 | 14% | 0% | 57 |
20 | Superzoom(e) | 5 | Justin Huxtable | 56 | 9% | 0% | 56 |
21 | Risk Assessment(e) | 19 | 54 | 14% | 0% | 56 |
Trainer: K M Schweida Jockey: R Dolan Weight: 59kg Barrier: 11
Record: 10-1-2-3 Prizemoney: $92,610.00
8-8 | 28.6L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-12-26 1200M, Good , Race 6, (Bm68), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 1 , 57.5kg, 1:11.63 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
4-7 | 1.34L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 4, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 0:58.29 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-12 | 15.1L , Eagle Farm, 2023-06-03 1500M, Good , Race 1, The Phoenix, $160,000.00 ($2,500.00), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 9 , 57kg, 1:30.63 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-10 |
1-8 | Hf HdL , Ipswich, 2023-05-17 1200M, Heavy , Race 1, 2yo E&G Mdn, $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: Damien Thornton, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:13.36 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
2-6 | Lg Nk0.8L , Ipswich, 2023-05-06 1350M, Good , Race 1, 2yo Mdn, $30,000.00 ($5,300.00), Jockey: Jake Bayliss, Bar: 3 , 57kg, 1:21.62 , , Settled-1 800-3 400-4 |
Trainer: R L Heathcote Jockey: TBA Weight: 59kg Barrier: 13
Record: 5-1-0-1 Prizemoney: $27,900.00
2-8 | 1.33L , Doomben, 2024-12-23 1000M, Soft , Race 13, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jake Bayliss, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:59.29 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
1-7 | Lg hdL , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 14, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jake Bayliss, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:59.83 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
6-11 | Sh Hd5.7L , Doomben, 2024-08-03 1630M, Good , Race 5, (Bm68), $75,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: Bailey Wheeler, Bar: 1 , 55kg, 1:37.62 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
1-12 | Sh HdL , Doomben, 2024-07-17 1650M, Good , Race 5, 3yo Mdn, $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: Jake Bayliss, Bar: 10 , 58kg, 1:40.25 , , Settled-3 800-5 400-3 |
3-10 | Hf Nk1.7L , Eagle Farm, 2024-07-10 1400M, Soft , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $40,000.00 ($3,600.00), Jockey: Jake Bayliss, Bar: 2 , 58kg, 1:25.75 , , Settled-1 800-2 400-3 |
Trainer: Stephen Kirkwood Jockey: Boris Thornton Weight: 59kg Barrier: 3
Record: 6-1-1-1 Prizemoney: $33,755.00
2-8 | Hf Hd0.8L , Gold Coast, 2024-12-31 850M, Soft , Race 20, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:49.20 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
2-7 | 2.80.3L , Toowoomba Inner, 2024-11-26 925M, Good , Race 7, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jake Molloy, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:57.27 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-13 | 2.55.9L , Eagle Farm, 2024-05-08 1400M, Soft , Race 8, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 3 , 59kg, 1:26.26 , , Settled-3 800-4 400-4 |
2-10 | 1/20.5L , Ipswich, 2024-04-24 1350M, Heavy , Race 8, Plate (C1), $38,000.00 ($6,800.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 10 , 59kg, 1:23.93 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
1-11 | 3/4L , Doomben, 2024-04-03 1200M, Soft , Race 3, 3yo C&G Mdn, $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 1 , 58kg, 1:09.84 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
Trainer: T J Gollan Jockey: James Orman Weight: 58.5kg Barrier: 2
Record: 7-1-1-1 Prizemoney: $49,860.00
6-11 | Lg Nk3L , Eagle Farm, 2024-12-21 1200M, Good , Race 10, 3yo+ Plate (C3), $75,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: Regan Bayliss, Bar: 2 , 55kg, 1:10.04 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-3 |
7-9 | 4.310L , Doomben, 2024-12-06 1200M, Soft , Race 8, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: Angela Jones, Bar: 7 , 58.5kg, 1:10.55 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
1-7 | 1L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 15, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Angela Jones, Bar: 6 , 0kg, 0:59.23 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
2-8 | 1.50.1L , Doomben, 2024-05-07 1000M, Soft , Race 7, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 8 , 0kg, 1:00.12 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
1-10 | 5.8L , Doomben, 2023-12-20 1200M, Good , Race 2, 3yo Mdn, $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 10 , 56kg, 1:09.24 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
Trainer: Tony & Maddysen Sears Jockey: TBA Weight: 58.5kg Barrier: 17
Record: 12-1-0-1 Prizemoney: $68,600.00
4-12 | 3/41.6L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-12-26 1000M, Good , Race 5, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($1,900.00), Jockey: Cody Collis, Bar: 6 , 58kg, 0:58.14 , , Settled- 800- 400- |
6-10 | 1.55L , Newcastle, 2024-08-24 1400M, Soft , Race 8, E&G (Bm64), $42,000.00 ($1,150.00), Jockey: Ms L Day, Bar: 10 , 59.5kg, 1:23.91 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-10 |
6-11 | 12.3L , Newcastle, 2024-08-08 1250M, Soft , Race 8, E&G (Bm64), $42,000.00 ($1,150.00), Jockey: Reece Jones, Bar: 8 , 59.5kg, 1:14.98 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-8 |
4-7 | 1/23.2L , Warwick Farm, 2024-07-26 821M, Soft , Race 6, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Reece Jones, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:49.45 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
6-7 | Lg hd5.2L , Kembla Grange, 2024-05-28 1400M, Soft , Race 2, Hcp (C1), $42,000.00 ($1,150.00), Jockey: Jett Stanley, Bar: 6 , 58.5kg, 1:23.77 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
Trainer: L J Gough Jockey: TBA Weight: 58.5kg Barrier: 14
Record: 5-1-2-0 Prizemoney: $33,800.00
2-12 | 3/40.4L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-12-26 1000M, Good , Race 5, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($6,800.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 3 , 59.5kg, 0:58.14 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
1-10 | HdL , Sunshine Coast, 2024-11-10 1000M, Good , Race 2, 4yo+ Mdn Plate, $30,000.00 ($16,800.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 7 , 58kg, 0:57.63 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
3-4 | 5.86.6L , Eagle Farm, 2024-10-22 800M, Good , Race 16, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Simon Miller, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 0:46.26 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
11-11 | 3.313.1L , Eagle Farm, 2024-05-08 1200M, Soft , Race 3, 3yo Mdn Plate, $40,000.00 (), Jockey: Ms G Cartwright, Bar: 8 , 58kg, 1:12.11 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-3 |
2-10 | Sh Nk0.1L , Doomben, 2024-04-17 1110M, Good , Race 2, 3yo Mdn, $40,000.00 ($7,200.00), Jockey: Bailey Wheeler, Bar: 6 , 57.5kg, 1:04.37 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
Trainer: D J Bougoure Jockey: TBA Weight: 57.5kg Barrier: 9
Record: 9-1-4-1 Prizemoney: $67,160.00
1-8 | NkL , Gold Coast, 2024-12-31 1000M, Soft , Race 14, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Yvette Lewis, Bar: 7 , 0kg, 0:57.96 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
2-10 | Sh Nk1L , Eagle Farm, 2024-11-05 1200M, Good , Race 7, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($6,800.00), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 3 , 56kg, 1:09.34 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
6-8 | Lg Nk2.9L , Doomben, 2024-10-16 1350M, Soft , Race 4, F&M Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: N Callow, Bar: 8 , 60kg, 1:20.86 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
1-13 | NsL , Eagle Farm, 2024-09-20 1300M, Good , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: N Callow, Bar: 4 , 56.5kg, 1:17.20 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
1-8 | 1L , Gold Coast, 2024-09-10 1000M, Soft , Race 10, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Yvette Lewis, Bar: 6 , 0kg, 0:58.59 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
Trainer: T J Gollan Jockey: Angela Jones Weight: 57kg Barrier: 1
Record: 10-1-2-2 Prizemoney: $65,760.00
5-9 | 1/21.3L , Ipswich, 2024-12-21 1100M, Good , Race 8, (Bm65), $28,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: Justin Huxtable, Bar: 5 , 56.5kg, 1:03.91 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-5 |
8-11 | Hd3.3L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-12-08 1000M, Good , Race 7, (Bm62), $28,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 8 , 58kg, 0:57.12 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-10 |
1-7 | 2L , Beaudesert, 2024-11-25 1050M, Soft , Race 8, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 7 , 0kg, 1:04.23 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
6-6 | Hf Nk4.3L , Deagon, 2024-10-29 1050M, Soft , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Emily Lang, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 1:01.89 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
3-6 | Hf Nk0.4L , Doomben, 2022-11-05 1350M, Good , Race 4, 3yo Open Hcp, $75,000.00 ($7,350.00), Jockey: Ben Thompson, Bar: 4 , 54.5kg, 1:19.59 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-4 |
Trainer: D L Freedman Jockey: TBA Weight: 57kg Barrier: 20
Record: 6-1-2-2 Prizemoney: $33,450.00
6-7 | 1/213.8L , Gold Coast, 2024-12-31 1000M, Soft , Race 13, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jace McMurray, Bar: 6 , 0kg, 0:57.50 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
3-5 | 1.54.8L , Gold Coast Poly, 2024-12-14 1200M, Synthetic , Race 5, (Bm62), $28,000.00 ($2,650.00), Jockey: Matthew Palmer, Bar: 3 , 58kg, 1:09.62 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-5 |
4-7 | Hd1.9L , Gold Coast, 2024-12-05 1000M, Soft , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Violet Soulsby, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:58.53 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-7 | 1/24.7L , Beaudesert, 2024-11-25 1050M, Soft , Race 8, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: P Hammersley, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 1:04.23 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
3-7 | 11.1L , Doomben, 2024-06-26 1200M, Soft , Race 3, 2yo Hcp, $38,000.00 ($3,400.00), Jockey: Jag Guthmann-Chester, Bar: 5 , 58kg, 1:10.44 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
Trainer: B J Lockwood Jockey: Luke Dempsey Weight: 56.5kg Barrier: 6
Record: 9-1-2-0 Prizemoney: $85,810.00
6-7 | 2.54.1L , Doomben, 2024-12-23 1000M, Soft , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Luke Dempsey, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 0:59.74 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-7 | Ns2.4L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 14, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Luke Dempsey, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 0:59.83 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
10-10 | 1/29.3L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-05-11 1200M, Heavy , Race 6, Gold Coast Guineas, $200,000.00 ($2,750.00), Jockey: M R Du Plessis, Bar: 4 , 55kg, 1:12.02 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-9 |
9-9 | Lg Nk4.8L , Eagle Farm, 2024-04-20 1000M, Soft , Race 1, (C3), $85,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: M R Du Plessis, Bar: 8 , 54kg, 0:57.60 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-7 |
2-6 | 1.50.3L , Ipswich, 2024-02-21 1350M, Good , Race 1, 3yo (Bm68), $38,000.00 ($6,800.00), Jockey: S Cormack, Bar: 2 , 60kg, 1:23.18 , , Settled-4 800-3 400-4 |
Trainer: Chris Anderson Jockey: Ron Stewart Weight: 56.5kg Barrier: 8
Record: 4-1-1-0 Prizemoney: $32,150.00
4-7 | 1/25.1L , Doomben, 2024-12-23 1000M, Soft , Race 11, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Damien Thornton, Bar: 7 , 0kg, 0:58.99 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
4-10 | 1.82.4L , Gold Coast, 2024-09-07 1200M, Good , Race 5, 3yo+ Plate (C1), $28,000.00 ($1,450.00), Jockey: M Hellyer, Bar: 6 , 58kg, 1:10.06 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-5 |
4-12 | 1/22.3L , Ipswich, 2024-08-23 1100M, Good , Race 9, (Bm62), $38,000.00 ($1,900.00), Jockey: Damien Thornton, Bar: 1 , 58kg, 1:03.70 , , Settled-12 800-12 400-12 |
1-8 | 2.3L , Doomben, 2024-07-31 1110M, Good , Race 1, Mdn Plate, $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: A Mallyon, Bar: 6 , 56kg, 1:04.51 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-7 |
1-6 | 1.3L , Doomben, 2024-07-04 1000M, Heavy , Race 8, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Damien Thornton, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 1:01.67 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
Trainer: Matthew Hoysted Jockey: Damien Thornton Weight: 56kg Barrier: 12
Record: 8-1-2-1 Prizemoney: $46,210.00
1-7 | 4.3L , Doomben, 2024-12-23 1000M, Soft , Race 11, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:58.99 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
5-10 | Sh Nk2.2L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-09-04 1400M, Good , Race 6, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($1,100.00), Jockey: Justin Huxtable, Bar: 7 , 57.5kg, 1:23.68 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
1-12 | 6L , Grafton, 2024-08-20 1410M, Soft , Race 1, Mdn, $27,000.00 ($13,950.00), Jockey: Damien Thornton, Bar: 6 , 58.5kg, 1:23.93 , , Settled-4 800-1 400-1 |
2-6 | 1.30.5L , Gold Coast Poly, 2024-07-27 1200M, Synthetic , Race 3, 3yo Mdn Plate, $30,000.00 ($5,300.00), Jockey: M Cahill, Bar: 1 , 56kg, 1:09.63 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
4-9 | Nk2.1L , Eagle Farm, 2024-07-10 1000M, Soft , Race 2, 3yo Mdn, $40,000.00 ($2,000.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 3 , 56kg, 0:59.11 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
Trainer: Taylah Mackinnon Jockey: TBA Weight: 56kg Barrier: 10
Record: 10-1-2-1 Prizemoney: $36,910.00
6-12 | 3/42.1L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-12-26 1000M, Good , Race 5, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 4 , 57.5kg, 0:58.14 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-8 |
4-6 | 1.52.6L , Sunshine Coast Inner, 2024-12-10 850M, Good , Race 13, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:51.53 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
1-10 | Hf HdL , Sunshine Coast, 2024-09-08 1400M, Good , Race 3, Mdn Plate, $30,000.00 ($16,800.00), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 10 , 56.5kg, 1:23.91 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
2-14 | 1.30.8L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-08-28 1600M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $40,000.00 ($7,200.00), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 5 , 56.5kg, 1:36.39 , , Settled-1 800-2 400-2 |
2-11 | Sh Nk0.8L , Sunshine Coast Poly, 2024-08-11 1600M, Synthetic , Race 5, Mdn, $30,000.00 ($5,300.00), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 5 , 57kg, 1:36.99 , , Settled-2 800-3 400-2 |
Trainer: K M Schweida Jockey: TBA Weight: 58kg Barrier: 18
Record: 7-1-1-0 Prizemoney: $41,500.00
5-12 | 3/42L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-12-26 1000M, Good , Race 5, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($1,100.00), Jockey: Ryan Maloney, Bar: 7 , 60kg, 0:58.14 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
8-10 | 1.34.1L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-11-29 1200M, Soft , Race 3, (Bm65), $28,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 6 , 58.5kg, 1:11.00 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
4-5 | Hf Nk9.1L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 3, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:57.23 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
9-9 | 1.57.1L , Gold Coast, 2024-10-19 1000M, Soft , Race 3, (Bm65), $28,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: Kirk Matheson, Bar: 2 , 58.5kg, 0:57.05 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-9 |
5-6 | 1.33.3L , Deagon, 2024-10-01 1050M, Soft , Race 5, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 2 , 0kg, 0:59.95 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
Trainer: R L Heathcote Jockey: V Duric Weight: 58kg Barrier: 7
Record: 6-2-3-0 Prizemoney: $78,000.00
1-5 | 3/4L , Doomben, 2024-12-23 1000M, Soft , Race 14, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: V Duric, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:58.74 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
2-6 | 3/40.5L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 840M, Soft , Race 21, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: M R Du Plessis, Bar: 6 , 0kg, 0:52.29 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
4-9 | 3/43.2L , Ipswich, 2024-07-24 1350M, Good , Race 8, 3yo Open Hcp, $85,000.00 ($4,000.00), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 2 , 52kg, 1:18.86 , , Settled-2 800-4 400-5 |
1-10 | 2.5L , Ipswich, 2024-07-05 1200M, Heavy , Race 3, 3yo Mdn, $30,000.00 ($16,800.00), Jockey: V Duric, Bar: 9 , 60kg, 1:12.28 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-6 |
2-10 | 10.2L , Doomben, 2024-06-19 1200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo Mdn, $40,000.00 ($7,200.00), Jockey: Jake Bayliss, Bar: 8 , 58kg, 1:09.78 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-9 |
Trainer: T J Gollan Jockey: TBA Weight: 57.5kg Barrier: 16
Record: 11-1-2-3 Prizemoney: $41,250.00
2-9 | Sh1/2Hd0.4L , Gatton, 2024-12-20 1100M, Soft , Race 9, Hcp (C1), $20,000.00 ($3,500.00), Jockey: Chelsea Baker, Bar: 2 , 59.5kg, 1:04.18 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4 |
3-11 | 1/21.5L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-11-29 1000M, Soft , Race 6, 3yo+ Plate (C1), $28,000.00 ($2,650.00), Jockey: Ryan Maloney, Bar: 2 , 60kg, 0:58.28 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-7 |
2-7 | 3.51L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 15, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:59.23 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
10-10 | 1.39.3L , Ipswich, 2024-10-24 1200M, Good , Race 7, (Bm62), $28,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: Emily Lang, Bar: 4 , 59.5kg, 1:10.17 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
8-11 | 1/25.1L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-10-04 1000M, Good , Race 3, Hcp (C1), $28,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: James Orman, Bar: 1 , 58.5kg, 0:58.34 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-7 |
Trainer: L J Hatch Jockey: TBA Weight: 56kg Barrier: 15
Record: 1-1-0-0 Prizemoney: $24,200.00
1-10 | HdL , Toowoomba, 2024-08-31 1100M, Good , Race 5, 3yo Mdn Plate, $24,500.00 ($13,700.00), Jockey: Justin P Stanley, Bar: 7 , 58kg, 1:07.62 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-2 |
1-5 | NkL , Toowoomba Inner, 2024-08-12 925M, Soft , Race 3, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: P Hamblin, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:57.61 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
4-6 | 2.56.1L , Toowoomba Inner, 2024-04-09 650M, Soft , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Dylan Bennett, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:40.90 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
Trainer: Matthew Hoysted Jockey: TBA Weight: 54.5kg Barrier: 21
Record: 10-1-0-2 Prizemoney: $49,045.00
6-12 | 3/42.2L , Gatton, 2024-12-20 1100M, Soft , Race 8, Hcp (58), $20,000.00 ($400.00), Jockey: Fiona Sandkuhl, Bar: 1 , 56kg, 1:04.33 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-8 |
4-6 | 3/41.6L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 840M, Soft , Race 21, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jasper Franklin, Bar: 3 , 0kg, 0:52.29 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-13 | Lg Nk5.2L , Doomben, 2024-07-31 1350M, Good , Race 7, 3yo+ Plate (C1), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: Ms N Beriman, Bar: 13 , 57.5kg, 1:19.70 , , Settled-13 800-10 400-11 |
3-12 | 1/20.9L , Ipswich, 2024-07-19 1350M, Good , Race 7, 3yo (Bm58), $28,000.00 ($2,650.00), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 10 , 57.5kg, 1:20.69 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-5 |
5-7 | Sh1/2Hd4.8L , Doomben, 2024-07-04 1000M, Heavy , Race 6, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Boris Thornton, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 1:00.05 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
Trainer: Christos Zintilis Jockey: E Chaves Weight: 54.5kg Barrier: 4
Record: 7-1-0-0 Prizemoney: $16,985.00
5-7 | 1.35.4L , Ballina, 2024-12-26 1265M, Good , Race 6, Hcp (C1), $16,000.00 ($525.00), Jockey: Jackson Murphy, Bar: 2 , 57kg, 1:15.85 , , Settled- 800- 400- |
1-8 | Sh1/2HdL , Dalby, 2024-12-02 1000M, Soft , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $22,000.00 ($12,200.00), Jockey: Bailey Wheeler, Bar: 1 , 56.5kg, 0:57.66 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
4-7 | 3/42.2L , Beaudesert, 2024-11-25 1050M, Soft , Race 10, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Bailey Wheeler, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 1:05.07 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
9-10 | 1/238.9L , Kembla Grange, 2023-11-18 1300M, Good , Race 3, F&M Mdn, $42,000.00 ($1,050.00), Jockey: R Hutchings, Bar: 3 , 56.5kg, 1:18.39 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-8 |
7-9 | 24.47L , Gosford, 2023-11-02 1200M, Good , Race 6, Super Mdn, $60,000.00 ($1,625.00), Jockey: Tyler Schiller, Bar: 7 , 55.5kg, 1:11.07 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
Trainer: Marcus Wilson Jockey: Justin Huxtable Weight: 56kg Barrier: 5
Record: 11-1-3-0 Prizemoney: $42,925.00
1-7 | NsL , Murwillumbah, 2024-12-27 1200M, Good , Race 6, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($13,950.00), Jockey: M Mc Guren, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 1:10.85 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
2-9 | 10.2L , Murwillumbah, 2024-12-13 1200M, Soft , Race 5, Super Mdn, $50,000.00 ($8,950.00), Jockey: M Mc Guren, Bar: 6 , 59kg, 1:12.80 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
2-5 | 12.3L , Beaudesert, 2024-11-25 1050M, Soft , Race 9, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Damien Thornton, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 1:03.81 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
1-6 | 1.3L , Gold Coast, 2024-11-04 1000M, Soft , Race 13, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:57.13 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-13 | Nk6.7L , Doomben, 2024-06-05 1350M, Soft , Race 2, Cg&E Mdn Plate, $40,000.00 ($800.00), Jockey: M Cahill, Bar: 1 , 57.5kg, 1:19.82 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
Trainer: T J Gollan Jockey: TBA Weight: 54kg Barrier: 19
Record: 7-1-1-0 Prizemoney: $25,410.00
5-12 | 3/42L , Gatton, 2024-12-20 1100M, Soft , Race 8, Hcp (58), $20,000.00 ($650.00), Jockey: Chelsea Baker, Bar: 12 , 57.5kg, 1:04.33 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-3 |
2-11 | 1/21L , Sunshine Coast, 2024-11-29 1000M, Soft , Race 6, 3yo+ Plate (C1), $28,000.00 ($4,800.00), Jockey: Kyle Wilson-Taylor, Bar: 6 , 58kg, 0:58.28 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-5 |
3-7 | Ns0.3L , Doomben, 2024-11-19 1000M, Soft , Race 14, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Kyle Wilson-Taylor, Bar: 3 , 0kg, 0:59.83 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
4-6 | Hf Nk2.3L , Deagon, 2024-10-29 1050M, Soft , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Chelsea Baker, Bar: 2 , 0kg, 1:01.89 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
10-14 | Sh Hd5.8L , Doomben, 2024-05-29 1350M, Soft , Race 8, Hcp (C1), $38,000.00 ($760.00), Jockey: Cejay Graham, Bar: 7 , 54kg, 1:20.69 , , Settled-1 800-2 400-2 |